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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Logo Designers - The 5 Point Plan To Designing A Stunning Logo

Sign of the times

Back in the seventies it was reasonable enough for logo designers to simply choose a fat bottomed psychadelic font, add a bit of glitter, stick on a few stars and hey presto you've got yourself a logo. These days clients are a little more discerning and demand you at least use felt tip pens or magic markers to colour in the fiddly bits. So how are things likely to look in ten years time? The canny logo designer always looks backwards as well as forwards and we wouldn't be surprised to see some of those retro fuzzy felt style logos making a reappearance come the year 2020

A call to action
When you see some of the most striking logos in the street what do they shout out to you? 'Buy Me!', 'I'm Lovely - Eat me!' or 'I am a serious looking company and far too important for the likes of you?' you see, every logo says something about us and how we go about our business. If you are really serious about getting your message accross then hit people with a big dumb no-brainer of a logo and you'll not go too far wrong.

Know your market - intimately
Market research is the be all and end all of whether your logo design is going to have an effect or not. To really know your market you've got to get inside the mind of the person you are looking to attract with your design. If you're designing a logo for a perfume manufacturer, try walking around a department store and allow yourself to be sprayed by the orange faced women on the cosmetics counter to truely get an inkling of their way of life. If you're designing a confectionary logo, act like a proper fatty and slob out on the settee stuffing your face with chocolate bars while watching the telly. Knowing your clientelle will pay dividends in the long run.

Search and you will find
Where to get inspiration from? Well it can come from many unusual places. If you've run the creative juices dry wracking your brains trying to think of a novel design for yet another dreary company logo, go and have a creative dump. The khazi may not be the first choice for the aspirational graphic designer but you'd be surprised at how many eureka moments have occurred while sat upon the porcelain straining the onions.

Create a superior broad-based secure protocol
What? I hear you ask. Well the 5th - some would say scraping the barrel - point to our logo design masterclass, is talking up your logo design using some interminable marketing speak garaunteed to fill airtime if not exactly making any sense. It's quite acceptable to offer a client a simple helvetica based typed logo design just as long as you can express to them the need for minimal juxtaposition among the ever increasing commercial based prioptic competition they are up against, while keeping a straight face. so there you have it. I think that's cleared things up. if there's any questions be sure to read the next exciting installment...Adios compadres Mindtap Graphic Design Resources is your single point entry into the UK creative industries . A unique site where you can access information on UK graphic design, logo design , brochure design, catalog design, flyer design and web design

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